Following a network approach, the Association provides its associated companies with support and representation in the analysis of requirements and in the definition of Research, Innovation and Development strategies, through an associative model of knowledge management.
Aiscris activities are carried out through its working groups, which highlight the Association’s core themes. Each group is coordinated by a counselor who is in charge of organizing and coordinating all the activities.
AISCRIS is ruled for the biennium 2018-2020 by the following associative bodies:

Tommaso D’Onofrio, CEO of DEMETRA HOLDING, has been working for many years in the field of start-up and innovative companies financing evaluation. He is graduated in Economics, with a Masterclass in private equity at London Business School, he has worked as a manager and institutional representative of companies and sector associations. He worked as a consultant at the European Commission for the evaluation of Horizon 2020 SME Instrument projects (phase 1 & 2).
Former president of AISCRIS from 2007 to 2012, he was, for a four-year period, delegated national counselor (training and intellectual property) of Confindustria Innovative and Technological Services, of which he is currently a member of the national board. Until 2012, he was a member of the Permanent Advisory Committee for Copyright at the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities. In 2011 he was a member of the Jury (consisting of 5 members) of the National Innovation Award for the category “Innovation and ICMT (Information, Communication, Media, Technology)”. He has published articles on start-up and compliance in national and international journals. He was the author of Crowd Investment – Crowdfunding for innovative enterprises, for Guerini Next.

Italian patent, design and trademark attorney.
Accredited representative at EPO, OHIM, WIPO and USBM (San Marino Patent and Trademark Office). He is a member of numerous professional associations:
AIPPI (International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property), member of the executive committee of the Italian Group from 1985 to 2004; FICPI (International Federation of the Industrial Property Attorneys)
President (2004 – 2010) of the Italian College of Industrial Property Consultants. Vice-President of the Italian group LES (Licensing Executive Society) UNION (Union of the European Patent Attorneys). Board member (2010-2013) Order of Industrial Property Consultants.
Italian Order of Journalists – member accepted in the publicists section following his activity since 1989 as an intellectual property expert in the group in charge of the column “l’esperto risponde” of “Il Sole 24 Ore” and for the publication of numerous articles over the years in the same financial newspaper.

He graduated in law and obtained a master’s degree in corporate law from the University of Perugia. A lawyer since 1999, he is trained in civil law and specialises in corporate law. He has been appointed Chairman of the Board of Directors of various companies including The Media Factory (publishing company owning the “Editori Riuniti” trademark), Undicidue S.r.l. (publisher of the magazine ‘Terra’), GTL S.r.l. (a company operating in the transport and logistics sector), Olisistem-Itqconsulting S.p.A., Worksys S.r.l., New Amuser S.r.l., companies belonging to the same group and operating in the ICT sector, Softlab S.p.A., also members.

President of In-Progress S.r.l., a results-oriented services company that produces management systems based on the development of proactive and autonomous organisational processes for industrial and service companies.
The activity, which combines consulting and training (“learning by doing”), is based on economic parameters (revenues higher than the costs incurred for the process of innovation and change) and on the revision of interfunctional processes. These actions usually involve co-planning with the client (management training), the creation of a Pilot (where and with whom value is directly produced) and a review aimed at expansion (the whole company, in succession, with processes conducted and monitored directly by the client) from six months to a year (entire accounting period). It is active in Italy, Germany, Ontario and Michigan. In Italy, one of the most significant projects is for FCA/CNHI (world wide standard on bottom up participation processes in the H&S area).
The company is certified ISO 9001:2015 sectors 35 (consultancy) and 37 (training).

President of Studio Bonini Srl based in Vicenza and operating in the field of promotion and defence of Industrial Property. Degree in Electrical Engineering – University of Pisa.
He is particularly active in the field of licensing and technology transfer. He cooperates with universities for training courses and dissemination of the culture of Innovation Protection in companies. Consultant in patents, trademarks, models.
Representative at UIBM, EPO, OIHM, WIPO.
Member of the following professional associations: AIPPI; FICPI; LES Italia; LES USA & CANADA.
Observer at APAA (Asian Patent Attorneys Association)

Director of the service company InnImpresa srl, he holds a degree in biological sciences and a specialisation in biochemistry. Professionally, she started out as a researcher, working first in a pharmaceutical company with roles in research management and later in a regional agency dedicated to technology transfer. The experience she has gained has allowed her to collaborate successfully with research companies in the planning of participation in regional, national and EU calls for tender.
She holds various roles, as Member or Councillor or member of the Scientific Technical Committee, in numerous associations and scientific institutions such as: AIDA, AssBiotec, GIDIF, STAR Technology Park, Veneto Nanotech, etc.
She is the author of numerous publications on science, technology transfer and research development, with particular attention to EU policies on technological districts, business networks and the implementation of public-private relations in favour of scientific research. Lecturer or didactic coordinator for a number of specialised Master’s degrees, (e.g. Master’s degree in biotechnology for business-BIOTEMA)

Director of Qualitek s.r.l., he provides organisational and management consultancy with particular reference to management systems: quality (ISO 9001), environment (ISO 14001 EMAS), health and safety at work (BS OHSAS 18001), energy (ISO 500001), social responsibility (SA8000), medical devices (ISO 13485), CE marking and organisational models pursuant to Legislative Decree 231/01.
Responsible for the evaluation group on quality management systems (CEPAS cert. no. 141). LCA/EPD expert. Chairman or member of the Supervisory Board of various organisations. He has been President of the Advanced Tertiary Sector of Assindustria Lecce, Innovation Delegate of Confindustria Lecce, Vice President of the CNCT of FITA- CONFINDUSTRIA and member of the Board of Confindustria Innovative and Technological Services.

Chemical engineer, president of Team Srl service company based in Genova. Expert in innovation management issues and training methodologies. Consultant of the European Commission for the evaluation of training projects (Leonardo, Erasmus, Active Citizenship). Contract professor of marketing and management control systems at the master degree course in management engineering.

Degree in Administration – Postgraduate course in Marketing and Business Administration Member of the Trademarks Section of the Register of Industrial Property Consultants – Authorised Representative UIBM and UAMI – Member ECTA Sole Director Studio Rubino Srl – Intellectual Property Consulting Attorney Integra Srl – Management Consulting and Business Organisation Chairman of the Tertiary and Business Services Group and Member of the Executive Committee Confindustria Catanzaro Director of Consorzio Dream – Mediterranean Research & Innovation District.

I graduated in Business Administration from the University of Venice “Ca’ Foscari”. I immediately started working in the field of business services, gaining in-depth knowledge through specialised training at the SDA of the Bocconi University of Milan – Course in Strategic Management for Service Companies, the University of Padua – Department of International Studies of the Faculty of Political Science – with a specialisation course in “International Trade and Finance Law”, and the University of Bologna – Specialisation School in Public Administration Studies (SPISA).
I founded EURIS srl – European Researches & Investments Services, of which I am President, which develops assistance and consultancy products and services, specialising in European Union policies, laws and programs and aimed, in particular, at the business world and public administrations. I am the founder of Novia srl, which operates innovative services for local authorities.
I hold association positions in Assindustria Veneto Centro. I am the President of the Innovative and Technological Services Section and Deputy Vice-President of CNCT (National Committee for Territorial Coordination). I am also a member of the Confindustria (Confederation of Italian Industry) Labour, Industrial Relations and Welfare 2020 Technical Group.